The reality of suffering and challenges.

Through Christ Jesus, we all becomes Children of God and joint heirs with Christ. However, we also have to experience or partake in some suffering as Christ did when He was in the human form. Anywhere the Bible talks of us as partakers of the glory of Christ, it talks of us suffering with Him too.

There are some truths about suffering we must know:
There is a type of suffering that we experience because of our mistakes. When we make mistakes, God allows us some measure of pain so as to learn from our mistakes. If you don’t have any pain through your mistakes, then you are going to keep making that same mistake repeatedly.
There is another type of suffering that we face because we are standing for righteousness. Standing for what is right in a darkened world of our will open us to persecution and condemnation that are indeed suffering for Christ.
There is also a type of suffering that God allows through circumstances to mature us and bring the wealth of maturity from inside us. Our faith in God will pass through fire of trials.

As a followers of Christ, we need to understand that sometimes, though we are rich, we need to be poor. That’s why many of the things of God have not been done properly because some people are not willing to go through seasons of hardship to advance in the programme of God, either for themselves or others.

The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:3, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” Which ever way is the causes of our suffering, we are called to endure all hardness. We are to stand for Christ at any state and stages we found ourselves, especially when we are going through any challenges, we are not the one on trial but our faith. Many times, God wants to prove our faith to Himself, to the devil, and to you as a person.

One of the lies of the devil is that nobody else has gone through what you are going through. Having a believe that the trouble or challenge you are going through is unique to you alone is a lie from the devil since he wants you to be discouraged and also want to make you feel that you are alone.

In 2 Corinthians 4:17, the Scriptures says: “This light momentary affliction is preparing for us [that is, producing for us] an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.”

When we can see no benefit coming from our suffering and challenges on earth, we will have missed the purpose according to Romans 8:28. The scriptures directs our attention away from earthly suffering because and says that they are not in vain. They are actually producing a greater and greater weight of glory because God will make it up to us. When we get to heaven, we will look back on all those years of seemingly meaningless sorrows and pains and see that it was worth it.

There is simply no trouble or challenges that you are going through that somebody has not gone through and glorified God with. Endure your hardship, trouble and challenges of life as a Christian. It is part of the carrying of your cross as you follow Jesus the master.


The progression of the mysteries of God for our salvation.

Almighty God is Awesome. His thought and ways is beyond human comprehension. When you see the move of God from the Old Testament to the New Testament, you will agree to the truth that none can understand the ways of God until it is made known to us. Notice the progression of Jesus as our Mediator according to 1 Timothy 2:5.

God dwelt among His people in the tabernacle. God’s presence with His people was seen in a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night according to Exodus 13:21. For the additional good of His people, He also ordained a place of worship called the tabernacle according to Exodus 28:5. God dwelt inside the tabernacle so He could be with His people wherever they went.

Inside the courtyard of the tabernacle was an altar for burning sacrifices. Two lambs were offered every day. Grain offerings, fellowship offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings were also made. They were necessary to stay in a right relationship with God. Through this sacrifices, God was teaching His people that sin is serious, and must be paid for.

The many ceremonies and sacrifices also showed that the way to God was not completely open yet. God was in the midst of His people, but He was not very accessible. In fact, according to Numbers 3:10, if anyone who was not a priest got close to God’s tent, they were to be killed. Even most priests were only allowed in the first room of God’s tent, not in the back room, where God’s presence dwelt. Only the High Priest, as stated in Leviticus 16 was allowed to go in there, only once a year, and with sacrificial blood.

The New Testament says something similar about Jesus Christ in John 1:14. The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. God lived in a tent so he could be near his people. Then He came in Christ so He could be even nearer, now by the Holy Spirit, and soon in heaven, which is the final destination. Revelation 21:3 shows that any separation from God will be a thing of the past. We will dwell in His presence forever, and be filled with eternal delight.

As perfectly God, Jesus represents God to humans. As perfectly human, Jesus represents humans to God. Sinners cannot approach a holy God without a mediator and hope to survive. But God has provided the perfect mediator in the person of Jesus Christ. John 14:6 says “No one comes to the Father except through me”. This is why we call Jesus the King!

Prayer for this year Christmas season.

This week will ushers us into this year Christmas. Though Jesus was not born on Christmas day but this is a season set aside to celebrate His birth. I want you to see the reality of the birth of Jesus Christ beyond Christmas, but as the arrival of the Sun of Righteousness according to Malachi 4:2. Make this confession prophetically into your life in Jesus name:

Almighty Lord and my Heavenly Father, I worship your Sovereignty in all areas of my life as I acknowledged Jesus Christ, Your Son, the Sun of Righteousness as my Saviour, Lord, Life and my Redeemer. I appreciate all that I have as my spiritual blessings and inheritance, according to Ephesians 1:3, through Jesus Christ as your Will for me in Jesus name.
Since your Word does not fail, i am standing on the Word of God in Malachi 4:2 that Jesus Christ, my Lord will arise for me, as the Sun of Righteousness with healing in His wings, and He will heal all that need healings in my physical, spiritual, material and financial areas of my life in Jesus name.

My life is a gift you gave me and it must manifest your ordained purpose according to your Will for me. In any areas, of my life where the thief had stolen, killed and destroyed, arise O Lord as the Sun of Righteousness to bring back Life, fulfilment and healing accordingly, as I am rounding up the year 2021. Let me not be battling same issues in the year 2022 in Jesus name.

Lord as the Alfa and Omega, arise for my sake, make yourself real to me by giving me a glorious ending in your Sovereignty, silence all satanic strategies against me; fight my battles as my Saviour, as I hold my peace; empowering your Will in my life as the Lord of Host, in your zeal and Sovereign power use this season of Christmas to announce your glory in my life in Jesus name.

As it was joy to the world that the Savior came, so shall my life be full of joy as a result of the Sun of Righteousness arising for me in Jesus name, amen and amen!
Glory be to God as I wish you a glorious Christmas celebration in Jesus name, amen.
Always be good and Godly!

Control your tongue.

Every human being that came from Adam was born with a sick tongue, a tongue that connects a man to death and links him up with evil. Now in Christ, we are not only to be saved in our spirit; God wants our tongues to be saved, whole and healed so that we can access the tree of life right here on the earth.

Do you know that your words can keep or kill you?

In Matthew 12:37 Jesus says that by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. Many people talks carelessly to their own destruction. If you are still struggling with the control of your tongue, then you are breeding on dangerous water. As a Christian, we must be careful that the devil is not using your mouth, that you are not known for idle words because you will be judged for very idle word you speak.

If you can only master your tongue, Bible says you will be a perfect man that can keep your whole life in check. Consider the following:

Slow down to speak. When you speak in haste you may not only be misunderstood, you leave out critical details.

Defer your comments. When you are in the heat of an argument, anger or other forms of negative emotions, things you say may not be well thought out and as a result, you may speak wrongly, so postpone your comments. 

No one ever arrested a man who didn’t speak. Sometimes, you just keep quiet so that you will not be quoted or wrongly quoted. The Bible says a foolish person when he keeps quiet is even thought to be wise.

Let your words be few. Proverbs 10:19 says, “In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.” Don’t make a name for yourself as a talkative. Let your words be edifying.

Learn when silence is golden. Sometimes, the wisest of men keep quiet in significant places. Learn when silence is golden and use it there. You must know the time to speak and the time to keep quiet: Let wisdom instruct you. Not everyone that comes to you for counsel really needs it. Some people have concluded on their actions looking for someone to bear the responsibility.

Learn words that help you in life. Words like: “I am sorry,” “thank you,” “please” etc. When you use words like that, you will receive help early.

Know when to talk and when to keep silent. Know what to talk and what not to talk. Learn to live by self-control, and not by your impulses. Do not be control by your negative feelings but by proven principles from the word of God. Say the right thing, and right things will happen to you. That is the instructions of Mathew 12:37. Avoid careless talks, because it will result in a careless end. Keep your tongue from evil and you will live; open it wide in talking evil and you will endanger your life!


Christianity and tattoos!


There is no doubt that we are in the end time when a lots of sinful habit have become permissible to the Church. We are all aware of same sex marriages made in the Church, homosexual and lesbianism etc. now seen as a way of life. The question is what is becoming of the lifestyles of we so called Christian? The world is no more outside the Church but now in the Church. We are not converting unbelievers into the Church but unbelievers are now manifesting the life styles of worldliness in the Church. This why I am writing about tattoo which is now becoming a lifestyle in our Churches and in the life of the so called believers. I am not judgmental but calling on heaven focused believers to wake up and see that we are in the end time.

Are tattoos a sin? Is it a sin to get a tattoo?“ The only Bible verse that specifically mentions tattoos is Leviticus 19:28, “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.” With this verse in mind, I want to point out flaws in both sides of the argument. Some who oppose tattoos will point to Leviticus 19:28 and say “case closed, it is a sin to get a tattoo.” The problem with this line of reasoning is that there are many commands in the Old Testament Law, and in the Book of Leviticus especially, that Christians do not obey. For example, the verse immediately prior to Leviticus 19:28 states, “Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard” (19:27). If we are going to use Leviticus 19:28 to outlaw tattoos, we should also outlaw everything else that the Old Testament Law forbids. The key point is this – Jesus’ death fulfilled and completed the Law, ending its requirements on us (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:15). Therefore, the law against tattoos is not binding on Christians. As a result of the inapplicability of Leviticus 19:28, some will argue that since the Bible does not speak against tattoos in a New Covenant context, it is acceptable to get tattoos. The problem with this line of reasoning is that there are many things the Bible does not specifically speak against like smoking, male use of earrings, transgender, etc. The Bible being silent on an activity does not necessarily indicate approval of that activity. Some sinful habits were generalised by the Bible as evil practices, unrighteous, ungodliness, appearances of evil etc. Some who approve of Christians getting tattoos will also point to Revelation 19:16 and claim that Jesus has a tattoo, “On His robe and on His thigh He has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” The text does not say that it will be a tattoo. It could be written by a magic marker for all we know, or it could be a henna (non-permanent) tattoo, or it could be metaphoric/symbolic, not literal. Whatever the case, Revelation 19:16 does not say Jesus has a tattoo. Even if it did, it would not be blanket permission for Christians to get tattoos. The truth is just that we are justifying our self and canal cravings and, none can walk with God without self denial!


So, if arguments from both sides are flawed, what is the answer in regards to tattoos? This issue seems to be primarily a struggle with Christian freedom. It would be so much easier if we just had an exhaustive list of do’s and don’ts. Christian freedom is uncomfortable because it forces us to truly examine our motives. That is why Christians tend to go to one extreme or the other, legalism or licentiousness. Legalism is easier because it provides us with the list of do’s and don’ts. Licentiousness is easier because it focuses on the “freedom” in “Christian freedom” while ignoring the “Christian.”

Perhaps the most applicable verse on the question of whether getting a tattoo is a sin would be Romans 14:23, “For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.” Sometimes, if you have to ask the question of whether something is right or wrong, it is a sign that it is wrong. As Christians, we should never do anything unless we are absolutely convinced that it is right. Further, we should never do something just because someone else says it is right. If you are absolutely convinced that getting a tattoo will be pleasing to God, honoring to God, and an increase in your being a light to the world – I will not stand in your way of getting a tattoo, nor will I claim that you have sinned by getting a tattoo. Ultimately, it is between you and God.

I seriously cannot ever get a tattoo on my body. What value has that to my relationship with God? I am just not convinced that it is right to permanently mark my body with a tattoo. If there is any need for me to advertise the name or the Word of God, i have to do that by my lifestyles, which tattoo negates. there are face caps, hand bands, t-shirts and such like that can be use to ‘tattoo whatever i need to do to the glory of God. We as Christian should not be ignorant the deceptive power of the devil. Our God is a holy God and He will never accommodate anything that is not bringing glory to His Holy name. We must bring to our individual lives the truth that we are at the end time.

Speaking of Christian freedom, 1 Corinthians 6:12 states, “Everything is permissible for me, but not everything is beneficial” (see also 1 Corinthians 10:23). Might tattoos be permissible? Maybe. But, I simply do not see how they can be considered beneficial. The first significance reality that comes to your mind once you see any tattoo is worldliness. This is not judgmental but the spiritual because the Holy Spirit will always shows us the truth. Our body is inhabited by the Holy Spirit, what marks our body is important. For me, then, it would be a sin to get a tattoo because there is doubt, not faith (Romans 14:23).

What is the level of your faith?

The righteousness of God is reveal from faith to faith because the just shall live by faith says Romans 1:17. Faith connects the Believer with the Power of God. The one who truly believes and has faith will act on God’s Word with perfect assurance that his request will be granted. As a believer in Christ, you are to trust in the sovereignty of God and keep on believing that He will never forsake you. This is the message of Psalm 9:9-10 which says that the Lord will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. They that know God’s name will put their trust in God because God will not forsake them that seek and confidently put their trust on Him.

As a Christian the sovereign of God impacts our sense of identity. When we know this basic and embrace it our faith life will be very strong. Faith in God means that our identity is in Jesus Christ, when we understand how powerful God is and how much He loves us, we will know we are secure in Him. We are the objects of God’s sovereign love, we allow God to define us, and our worth is found in Him. This basic empower a strong faith in God since the just shall live by faith.

The Bible has a lot to say about different levels of faith. Christian faith is based on God’s promises, rather than feelings, or things visible. Great faith holds fast regardless of outward appearances. Daniel 3:17-18 show the three levels of faith:

1- “Our God is able.”

2- “And He will!”

3- “But if not.”

What is your own level of faith? From the case of the three Hebrews boys in Daniel 3:1-30, they not only have faith in God but rigidly trust God. The third level of faith is the highest level of faith that glorifies God most. This faith grows when you live in His Word and in His presence.

Have faith in God!


Walking on the path of salvation through Christ.

The war between God and Satan is over, and God has clearly won. Jesus Christ fought His battle with Satan, and it is recorded very briefly in Matthew 4 and Luke 4. He won that battle. Now it is our turn, because we have been chosen out of this world and are striving to live the way of God. Glory be to God for the privilege of knowing and accepting the only way of salvation that God offers to mankind. Indeed we are His workmanship in Christ Jesus. God forgives, justifies and mound us into a new beings through His workmanship. Jesus Christ has made us perfect by His sacrifice once we believed in Him, but we have a responsibility to walk in that state daily by being a doer of the Word. Deuteronomy 8:3 is clear that man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceed out of the mouth of God. The Word of God is indeed the daily life giver to every believer. God is the source and sustaining power of our being. The truth is as simple as that!

Once we are born again and fixed to a commitment of strict biblical lifestyle where God’s calling becomes our vocation, it required our concentrated attention as a work at all time. A vocation is a person’s regular occupation. A situation where a Christian looks back with a measure of longing is similar to someone talking on a mobile phone while driving his or her car. He or she frequently drifts all over the road, swerving this way and that because, the attention is split between conflicting priorities. Such is setting himself or herself up for trouble, and all too frequently, an accident occurs. A believer cannot maintain the citizen of the Kingdom with his or her attention diverted elsewhere. We are not to be anything but followers of the Son of Christ. We must be prepared to put God first in all things.

There are many commands in Scripture that tell us that we also have a responsibility in the process of sanctification. We are commanded to “be perfect” and to “be holy” and to present ourselves as “slaves of righteousness for holiness.” Jesus in Matthew 5:48 says that we must be perfect, just as our Father in heaven is perfect. Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 1:15-16 says that as He who called us is Holy, we must also be holy in all our conduct, because it is written that we must be holy for God is holy. This shows that perfection and holiness are close to the same thing; both have something to do with our conduct. These commands require effort on our part, but ultimately it is God who makes us perfect and holy. The Scriptures in Hebrew 11:38 describes God’s perspective:

“Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” 

As a result of the world that we are in, with divers appealing enticement, through social media, happenings and prevailing unrighteousness, religious hypocrisy, etc. we do fall into sin occasionally. To belong to the family of God, or to be a child of God, is one thing. But to exhibit the characteristics of God’s family by means of obedience, love, and perseverance is another thing altogether. That is what is going to separate “the men from the boys.” The children of God identify themselves by their conduct. They do not keep sinning. Persistence sinning is what is dangerous and not ethical for a believer. James 1:13-15 made it clear that temptation is as a result of our lust draws us away into sin that lead to spiritual death. 1 John 1:8-9 says that if we says we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. As long as we are on this earth, we are in a walk of faith, but it goes with justifying works. Of course, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, but the battle between our flesh and the Spirit is a real work. It is a real work to live a life of obedience, giving as a steward, taking care of the poor or less privilege, love to God and our neighbors, serving God, do evangelism, etc. James 2:20 is clear that faith without works is dead. James 1:25 says that we are to look on into the perfect Word of God and be a doers of the work. Obeying the Word of God is a work!

At interval, we would sin, fall short, disobey, or derail but the Holy Spirit will come in to open our eyes to such errors. Eliphaz, Job’s friend, in Job 5:18, speaks about not despising God’s chastening: “For He bruises, but He binds up; He wounds, but His hands make whole.” Certainly, receiving chastisement from God is not pleasant, but it does have its benefits. The Bible is so clear in Hebrew 12:5-11:

“And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons. My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the LORD loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.” If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

When a child of God committed any sin, God chastening comes. Chastening is the means by which God restore us back. The making of a believer into sonship is a process that is done daily. While in the process, we can err and God will correct us at times with discipline. We are a citizen of the Kingdom of God. We are one family of the Church of Jesus Christ. Without discipline it is as if we are not truly children in the family. To people outside the Church, it does not matter what they do because they are not part of the fold. They have no knowledge of any worthwhile standard to uphold. But for believers, God has several ways of molding us. One is to give us instruction, through the wonderful doctrines and principles that are taught in His Word, so that we will be prepared and completed for His Kingdom. But if we become unmanageable and disobedient to His instructions, or if we have faults (which every human being does), we do not learn the lessons that are presented to us positively in His Word. Then God, as our Father, with the goal and objective of perfecting us and preparing us for glory, will adopt other methods. And one of the other major methods He uses is this method of chastisement.

The whole of salvation is God’s work from the beginning to the end. Once God starts working He goes on with that work to completion. Apostle Paul wrote to the church members in Philippians 1:6:

“being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”

God has no abandoned project. That leaves no doubt that God will finish whatever He started in us. God does not start a work and then give up or leave it incomplete. When God starts His work on His people, He completes that work. He has an ultimate objective and purpose for us to be like Christ, so that we can spend eternity with Him.

The characteristic of the righteous is that they do not often go off-track. Job says in Job 17:9,

“Yet the righteous will hold to his way, and he who has clean hands will be stronger and stronger.”

Our spiritual strength increases as our tenure on the path lengthens and strengthens. By this experience, someone who has been in spiritual harness for five or six decades should be spiritually stronger than someone relatively new in the faith. When the divine discipline has run its course, and the desired effect has been achieved, then He restores us, improved by the experience. Our humility will determine our confession of such sin for us to be made perfect. We are being made perfect by the daily renewing of our heart to prove what is good and perfect.

Believers as God’s people were far from perfect. No doubt, we do failed and makes mistakes. God responds to the failures of His people with discipline. Even though, God’s love is in the foreground, He uses discipline to draw His people back to Himself. As we return to Him, the hardships turn to blessing.

God is Awesome. Shalom!